Minutes of GC Meeting

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Minutes of GC Meeting

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the ordinary members of the Association shall be held every year on a date fixed by the Governing Council as soon as least a month before expiry of the term of the office bearers.

Business at the Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall: -

a) Fix a date for electing office bearers and other members of the Governing Council from amongst its ordinary life members.
b) Pass the audited annual accounts, the annual report and sanction the Budget for the year from the 1st of August to the 31st July.
c) Adopt such resolutions as might be brought forward for guiding the activities of the Association or its bodies, and
d) Appoint the auditor for the ensuing year.

Other General Meeting

The General Council may, at any time, convence a General Meeting of the ordinary members of the Association, and, in case of emergency, the President or the Secretary may also convence such a General Meeting.

Extra-Ordinary Meeting

An extra ordinary General Meeting of the ordinary members of the Association shall be convened by the President / Secretary at the requisition of 60 ordinary member. Such requisition shall be in writing addressed to the Secretary and accompanied by a statement.
a) Incase the extraordinary general meeting of the Association is not convened as per the requisition and same is also not ruled out by the Governing Council the requisition shall be entitled to convene the meeting to be presided over by one of the Senior Member of Elders Committee.
b) No decision will be taken to strike work in the court by the Bar Association beyond a strike of one day, unless the decision is taken by majority of members present and voting by Secret Ballot in a General Body Meeting of Association. Only life ordinary members will participate in voting who are entitled to vote on that day according to rules of the Association.

Notice of Meeting

Notice of Meeting of the Association shall be given, in manner provided by Rule 33 at least 7 days, before the date fixed for the meeting. In case of emergency relating to subject which cannot be postponed for 7 days, a meeting other than Annual General Meeting may be called, in like manner but at such shorter notice as may be considered sufficient by the Secretary, which will not be in any case less than 24 hour.
Notice of a meeting shall be given by fixing up a notice along with the agenda on the notice board of the Association and by circulating it in the High Court on a working day to such members as are present or can be found, and after such fixation and circulation no meeting shall be cancelled in question on the ground or improper service or non service of notice by any member or the insufficiency or impropriety of the time allowed or fixed by the notice.

Quorum for Meeting of the Association

Fifty ordinary member (including the office bearer) shall form a Quorum for Annual General Meeting or Extra ordinary General Meeting of the Association, and 100 for a meeting under Rule 52.

Quorum Falling short During Meeting

If at any time during the course of a meeting the attention of the person presiding is drawn to the fact that number of members present has fallen short of the quorum required the person presiding after ascertaining the truth of the facts, shall forth, with dissolve the meeting but any business already transacted shall be deemed to be validly transacted.

Adjourned Meeting

If a meeting has been adjourn for want of a quorum no quorum shall be necessary for the next meeting held after the issue of the usual notice and with the same agenda provided that an extra ordinary meeting of the Association called at the requisition of the members under Rule 32 above shall not on the same requisition be called a second time if it has been adjourned once for want of quorums.
Senior Most Member of the Elders Committee available may preside in the absence of the President and the Vice-President.
In the absence of the President or the Vice-President or senior Member of the Elders Committee of the Association any member of the Elders Committee of the Association any member present may be elected to preside at a meeting of the Association.

Question to be Decided by a Mejority of Votes

Except as here in after provided all questions are meetings of the Association shall be decided by a majority of the votes of members present and voting. The participation or ordinary members will be recorded on the register in their eligible signature. The person presiding shall have a second or casting vote case of the no voting by proxy shall be allowed.

Proceedings to be Recorded

The decisions arrived at a meeting shall be binding on all member of the Association. The secretary and the joint Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all the meetings held under the provisions herein contained. Such record shall be open to inspection by member of the Association only.

Quorum of the Governing Council

Ten members of whom at least there shall be not holdings an office shall form the quorum of meeting of the Governing Council.

Meetings of the Governing Council

The Governing Council shall be meet as often as may be necessary and all the provisions in these Rules relating to the meeting of the Association shall apply mutatis mutandis to such meeting of the Governing Council.